Thursday, July 28, 2011

Save Money,Time, & Sanity

A few years ago I began cooking on Monday our meals for a week.  It worked well so I bought a deep freeze and make meals for a month.  What an awesome thing.  I find--
                                             I go to the store a lot less.  Generally once a month for groceries (of course      
                                                                                                                        we have  other things that come up, but not the main meal)
                                             I buy foil pans from 
Dollar Tree so ya cook and toss.
                                      I get in a groove and cook (it's where I feel close to my mom),
I cook ground beef, chicken, cut, and dice and prep
When I am done I have 20 freezer meals
(I figure we eat out or Sundays I try to do a little more, hence 20 meals a month)
So this is convenient all month long
all we do is pull from the freezer (nice for me cause I don't like to decide what to make at dinner time)
Put in the oven on 400 for one hour
And sit down to a home cooked meal.

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! You should share some of your freezer meal recipes. :)
