So we have all heard of cradle cap
(thankfully none of my children ever had it) But for the last several months my Baby Dragon (as my youngest refers to himself) has had some weird build up on his scalp. I took him to a Cosmetology Instructor that looked and said it's build up from my gel. Oh man if his hair wasn't so white we could hide it (still unsure where he got this little toe head from?) Then I remembered a trick I've used for years that leaves my hair feeling CLEAN, Soft, & gel free. Good old
1--Add a handful of Baking Soda to a little water and make a paste
2--Work into hair and scalp
3--Take a Rat tail comb and comb, slightly touching the scalp
and you to can have a HaPPy Dragon!!!~
Seriously?!?! None of my kids have ever had cradle cap until my last one!! He is now almost 2 and I'm still battling it!!! I was so excited to read this ~ I have asked a TON of people and never been told Baking Soda!!! I will be trying this one tonight!!! Thank You Tracee!!!