Friday, November 4, 2011

Six Skills for Mom's

Cooking (including basic nutrition
This is especially important given the rise in childhood obesity, but moms do not have to become a Julia Child — more like a Sandra Lee. The point is to provide your children with healthy, nutritious meals that will strengthen their bodies and minds. Cooking is also a good bonding activity that moms can share with their children.

First aid
Let's face it: kids are accident prone. Knowledge in first aid skills can save medical cost, prevent infections and save your child's life.

 Time management
This is an important skill to have in order to balance family, school, work, and household obligations. Learning proper time-management skills can mean the difference in having a calm, peaceful home versus a chaotic one.

 Conflict resolution
Sibling rivalry is quite common in a family. The key to handling it successfully is resolving the problem without criticism, favoritism and frustration. This skill also extends to the teen years, when conflict often arises between parents and child. Knowing how to communicate effectively and deal with differences can be an asset in fostering strong family relationships.

Moms need to think creatively to get their kids to take their medicine, eat vegetables and avoid a meltdown in the toy aisle. The joy of motherhood is that each child is different, so there is always a need for a fresh, creative ideas for the same problem.

Having fun
Parenting is serious business, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun in the process. Find joy in the mundane. Cherish and enjoy every moment with your children because there are no do-overs. This is it — so have fun!

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