The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS/mormon) has a program for women called Relief Society. As a member of the Relief Society you are eligible to be a Visiting Teacher. It is such a blessing for the sister teaching and the sisters she teaches. The message you give each sister comes from a magazine created and published by the LDS church the magazine is called The Ensign. Each month their is a one page lesson dedicated to visiting teaching.
This month the message is from a series about ATTRIBUTES OF JESUS CHRIST; and February's attribute is WITHOUT SIN. Jesus Christ was the only begotten son of God. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He lived a perfect life but chose to come to earth and live among imperfect men. He taught of a better way to live. He loved everyone. He is our Redeemer and broke the bonds of death. This means we can live with our Father in Heaven again. We must live righteous and try our very best. Sometimes we mess up and that is where the Savior makes up the difference. With true repentance we are forgiven and made clean. I hope you enjoy this section. If you want to know more visit
Here is where you can find the full lesson for February's visiting teaching;
I have designed a little pamphlet to share with my sisters and you are free to download it and share with yours. It includes; portions of the lessons, a little worksheet about the Savior, quotes on sin, and other doctrine.
I added a Mr Clean dry magic eraser to the pamphlet to give each sister. |