Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions!~

1. Make goals measurable
It's not enough to say, "I want to lose weight" or "I want to quit smoking." Your goals need to be specific and measureable. Instead, say "I want to lose 30 pounds by June 15" or "In a month I'd like to be down to one cigarette a day." It gives you a specific target to aim for and a clear picture to measure how close you are to attaining your goal.

2. Write them down
Writing your goals down makes them official and can be a daily reminder of what they are. Stick them somewhere that you can see them such as a bathroom mirror or refrigerator.

3. Get an accountability partner
Find someone who will help you be accountable for taking steps to reach your goals. It could be a friend, family member or professional.

4. Take baby steps
Don't try to change your life "cold turkey" on Jan. 1. You'll only crash and burn by February. Take small steps to achieving your goal by making gradual changes in your lifestyle.

5. Keep a journal
Expressing your emotions in writing about the ups and downs of making new lifestyle changes can be lethargic. Do it the old fashioned pen and paper way or start a blog.

6. Get support
Join with others who are attempting the same goals or rally around positive people who support what you're doing.

7. Be prepared for obstacles
There will be problems that occur along the way, be prepared for them. Don't allow them to be a hindrance. Have a plan "B" (and "C") in place that will keep you on course.

8. Celebrate your successes
Don't get too hung up on the big picture and ignore milestones along the way. For example, you may not have lost the 20 pounds you'd hoped, but you're eating better and exercising. Acknowledge that accomplishment and be happy.

9. Be creative
When things get a little stale, be creative to keep the motivation strong. Try a new exercise, new food or new method.

10. Don't allow failure to be an option
If you think only about succeeding, then you will. Don't ever give in to any excuse to quit.

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